Our Number One priority is your health, Pharmacie de la Gare is the Number One international pharmacy in Phnom Penh since 1994.
Opening Hours
Pharmacie de la Garde is open 7 days a week from 7:30am until 7pm from Monday to Saturday, from 7:30am to 12pm on Sunday.
We also offer a 24 hours Hotline service where if you need any medicine at any time, we will get your medicine delivered to you across Cambodia to where ever you are (with easy payment via WING). Our Hotline numbers 093 711 771 or 092 711 771
We also provide a top service in the B2B arena, we can tailor-make your health prevention program. Knowing that your corporate organization needs to meet a full compliance requirement, we can help you on some of the Health and Safety prerequisites. Contact us for more information at our hotline numbers or email [email protected].
We pride ourselves on the fastest prescription delivery in Phnom Penh and guarantee our products are in premium condition. We only source from the best brands in the world so you can get the best to treat your health. Your well-being is our number one attention.

We are pleased to inform we can deliver your medical to your home or office. No more driving in the traffic and heat, we can bring good health at your doorstep.
At Pharmacie de la Gare, we are doing our best to serve you better.
• For delivery less than 10$, there is a $2 service charge.
• For purchase over $10, there is a $1 service charge.
• For purchase over $40, the delivery is free of charge.
This special service charge is for our clientele in Phnom Penh and outskirts, for our clientele based in provinces please contact us.
For all your medical needs, contact us on:
Our Hotline numbers 093 711 771 or 092 711 771
or via email at [email protected]
- Location / Region Phnom Penh
- Brand color
- Listing categories Business / Medical & Healthcare
Opening Hours
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
7:30 am - 7:00 pm | 7:30 am - 7:00 pm | 7:30 am - 7:00 pm | 7:30 am - 7:00 pm | 7:30 am - 7:00 pm | 7:30 am - 7:00 pm | 7:30 am - 12:00 am |
- E-mail [email protected]
- Website
- Phone 093 711 771, 092 711 771
- Person Pharmacie de la Gare - ឱសថស្ថាន ដឺ ឡា ហ្គារ
- Address No 124Eo Preah Monivong Blvd (93) Phnom Penh, Cambodia 12201