Category: Project Management

Which statement is true about the project cost?

Which statement is true about the project cost? A. The high cost to fix risk event is at the delivering stage B. The high cost to fix risk event is at the beginning and planning stages C. The high cost…

Which statement is true about the project risk?

Which statement is true about the project risk? A. The high chance of risks occurring at the executing stage B. We do not need to fix risk risks because when the project is finished, risks are disappeared so that we…

What is not explained the limitations and concerns of Agile project management?

What is not explained the limitations and concerns of Agile project management? A. It does not satisfy top management’s need for budget, scope, and schedule control. B. Its principles of self-organization and close collaboration can be incompatible with corporate cultures.…

What are the best explained the principles of agile project management?

What are the best explained the principles of agile project management? A. Agile project management is being successfully applied to a wide range of unpredictable projects. B. Collaboration between the customer and designers is increased leading to solid change control…

What is not listed to explain the advantage of agile project management?

What is not listed to explain the advantage of agile project management? A. Useful in developing critical breakthrough technology or defining essential features B. It requires active customer involvement and cooperation C. Continuous integration, verification, and validation of the evolving…

What is not listed as the concept of Agile Project Management?

What is not listed as the concept of Agile Project Management? A. Relies on incremental, iterative development cycles to complete less-predictable projects. B. Is ideal for exploratory projects in which requirements need to be discovered and new technology tested C.…

Why do you need to make success in your key project as part of your career path?

Why do you need to make success in your key project as part of your career path? A. They should accumulate a portfolio of project management experiences that establishes their skill base and reputation as someone who gets things done…

Why does partnering will be the norm for managing inter-organizational project?

Why does partnering will be the norm for managing inter-organizational project? A. Top management will create a clear vision for organization B. Project managers spend less time to manage project C. Develop long-term relationships with other organizations to jointly complete…

Why integrative project management information systems will be established?

Why integrative project management information systems will be established? A. Project managers spend less time to manage project B. Top management will create a clear vision for organization C. Software developers will satisfy the demand for friendlier project management D.…

Why do we need enterprise project management systems to be established?

Why do we need enterprise project management systems to be established? A. Project managers spend less time to manage project and will pay more attention to managing interface between the project and the rest of the organization. B. Strongly linked…