Category: Project Management

What is best explained on how to manage a project is to cope with complexity?

What is best explained on how to manage a project is to cope with complexity? A. Recognize the need to change to keep the project on track B. Integrate assigned resources C. Provide direction and motivation D. Formulate plans and…

What is the difference between managing and leading a project?

What is the difference between managing and leading a project? A. Leadership is the ability to inspire confidence in and support among the people who are needed to achieve organizational goals B. Managing a project is to cope with complexity,…

What do you consider when we are talking about leading by example?

What do you consider when we are talking about leading by example? A. Leadership involves recognizing and articulate the need to significantly alter the direction and operation of the project, aligning people to the new direction B. Cooperation, ethics and…

What is not listed as the best explaining the meaning of leading a project?

What is not listed as the best explaining the meaning of leading a project? A. Leadership involves recognizing and articulate the need to significantly alter the direction and operation of the project, aligning people to the new direction B. Leaders…

What is not listed as the role of project manager?

What is not listed as the role of project manager? A. Project managers would simply implement the project plan and the project would be completed. B. Project managers do more than put out fires and keep the project on track.…

What is not listed as the estimating guidelines for Times, Costs, and Resources?

What is not listed as the estimating guidelines for Times, Costs, and Resources? A. Have people familiar with the tasks make the estimate. B. Use several people to make estimates. C. Use consistent time units in estimating task times. D.…

Which is not explained the reasons that some projects overrun the budget?

Which is not explained the reasons that some projects overrun the budget? A. Poor cost estimates B. In many companies there is no standardization or common set of rules for developing cost estimates, cost control and neither is given very…

What is a bottom-up in estimate project cost?

What is a bottom-up in estimate project cost? A. A project cost is estimated first, which is in relation to the work scope. After that the cost for each work package is allocated as a proportion of total project cost.…

What is a top-down in estimate project cost?

What is a top-down in estimate project cost? A. A project cost is estimated first, which is in relation to the work scope. After that the cost for each work package is allocated as a proportion of total project cost.…

What is project time and cost estimation?

What is project time and cost estimation? A. Estimating is the process of forecasting or approximately the time and cost of completing project deliverable B. Estimating is the process of forecasting or approximately the time of completing project deliverable C.…