Category: Project Management

What is not listed as risk identification?

What is not listed as risk identification? A. Low income earners cannot pay back on time B. Difficult to look for fund from donors and banks C. House location is far from the city with less customers’ attraction D. Limit…

Which one is best explained the risk management strategy?

Which one is best explained the risk management strategy? A. The project may need to consider to high staff with high motivation B. The project must wait until the risk disappear by itself and then the project can start C.…

What is not listed as the risk management’s benefits?

What is not listed as the risk management’s benefits? A. Reduces surprises and negative consequences. B. Provides better control over the future C. Look for funds from the donors and banks D. Attempts to recognize and manage internal events and…

Which one is best explained the example of project risk?

Which one is best explained the example of project risk? A. Staff may not have enough time to implement this project B. The warehouse to store the materials of food processing can have flooded during rainy season C. The project…

The project is to provide house loan to low income earners so that they can have decent houses to live, what are your major risks identification?

The project is to provide house loan to low income earners so that they can have decent houses to live, what are your major risks identification? A. Late of repayment, houses are not interested as it is built far from…

What is not listed as contingency plan in risk management?

What is not listed as contingency plan in risk management? A. An alternative plan that will be used if a possible foreseen risk event actually occurs B. Prepare the project manager to take advantage of appropriate risks C. A plan…

What are the benefits of risk management?

What are the benefits of risk management? A. Prepare the project manager to take advantage of appropriate risks B. Generate a list of possible risks through brainstorming, problem identification and risk profiling C. A proactive rather than reactive approach, reduces…

Which statement is true?

Which statement is true? A. We need to fix the risks as soon as the chance of risks occurring over the project life cycle B. We need to wait and no need to fix the risks as it will be…

How does the risk event graph explain?

How does the risk event graph explain? A. The chance of risks occurring over the project life cycle B. The chance of risks occurring and the cost to fix risk event over the project life cycle C. The cost to…

Why is risk management important?

Why is risk management important? A. What can be done before an event occurs? B. It helps to develop a budget plan C. What can go wrong? D. A proactive attempt to recognize and manage internal events and external threats…