Category: Project Management

Which one is best explained the project activity?

Which one is best explained the project activity? A. The project activity has to calculate the acting time spend B. The project activity has to calculate risk C. The project activity has to calculate the acting time and related time…

If one project requires to spend days as the critical path, what does it mean?

If one project requires to spend days as the critical path, what does it mean? A. The longest time to spend for this project must not longer than 365 days B. This project can work more than 365 days C.…

Which are the approaches to constructing project network?

Which are the approaches to constructing project network? A. Activity-on-Node (AON) and Gantt Chart B. Activity-on-Arrow (AOA) and Gantt Chart C. Pert Chart and Gantt Chart D. Activity-on-Node (AON) and Activity-on-Arrow (AOA) Answer: Option D

What is a critical path in the project network?

What is a critical path in the project network? A. The activity which is included the acting time and related time B. The longest path through the activity network that allows for the completion of all project-related activities; the shortest…

What is best described as path?

What is best described as path? A. Activity helps managers get and stay on plan B. Provides a basis for budgeting cash flow C. A sequence of connected and dependent activities D. Activity is the element of the project that…

What is a project network?

What is a project network? A. The project network is the tool used for planning, scheduling, and monitoring project progress. The project network provides other invaluable information and insights B. The project network provides an estimate of the project’s duration…

What are the mechanisms for sustaining Organizational Culture?

What are the mechanisms for sustaining Organizational Culture? A. Recruitment of employees who fit the culture B. Removal of employees who deviate from the culture C. Recruitment of employees who fit the culture and removal of employees who deviate from…

What are the challenges for Project Managers in Navigating Organizational Cultures?

What are the challenges for Project Managers in Navigating Organizational Cultures? A. Interacting with the culture and subcultures of the parent organization B. Interacting with the project’s clients or customer organizations C. Interacting with the culture and subcultures of the…

What is not listed as to identify Cultural Characteristics?

What is not listed as to identify Cultural Characteristics? A. Provides a sense of identify to its members B. Study the physical characteristics of an organization. C. Read about the organization D. Observe how people interact within the organization and…

Why is organizational culture important in the context of project management?

Why is organizational culture important in the context of project management? A. Understand what is the vision of the organization B. A system of shared norms, beliefs, values and assumptions which bind people together C. Can enable us to predict…