Category: Project Management

The personality of the organization, and similar to the individual personality, can enable us to:

The personality of the organization, and similar to the individual personality, can enable us to: A. Understand the program goal and project objectives B. Predict attitudes behaviors of organizational members C. Understand what is the vision of the organization D.…

What is best described the example of core value?

What is best described the example of core value? A. A system of shared norms, beliefs, values and assumptions which bind people together B. Understand what is the vision of the organization C. Honesty, Integrity, Social justice, Be punctual, and…

What is not listed as best described of organizational culture?

What is not listed as best described of organizational culture? A. The system is manifested by customs, norms, and habits that exemplify the values and beliefs of the organization B. Be punctual, open communication, and be responsible to all C.…

Why does the project matrix structure combine elements from the project and functional structure?

Why does the project matrix structure combine elements from the project and functional structure? A. The most common type of organizational structure for ongoing operations and repetitive work. B. Staff members are grouped by specialty or discipline (i.e. marketing, engineering,…

What is best described the centralized organization?

What is best described the centralized organization? A. Centralized organization is an organization in which high-level executives make most decisions and pass them down to lower levels for implementation. B. Centralized organization is an organization in which he project manager…

What is best described the decentralization organization?

What is best described the decentralization organization? A. Decentralized organization is an organization in which project manager is usually granted authority to spend money from the budget B. Decentralized organization is an organization in which lower-level managers make important decisions…

What is best described a good organizational structure?

What is best described a good organizational structure? A. The project manager has overall responsibility for the success of the project B. The structure that maximize collaboration within groups and minimizes interaction between groups C. Help people outside the organization…

What is not best described the importance of the organizational chart?

What is not best described the importance of the organizational chart? A. The division of work and the structure of the organization, the type of work done, and the level of management B. This creates an additional external interface that…

If over per cent of work involves projects, then an organization should consider:

If over per cent of work involves projects, then an organization should consider: A. A less formal arrangement is probably all that is required B. A matrix system would appear to be appropriate C. A fully projectized organization D. The…

What is not listed on how do you decide to choose the appropriate project management structure?

What is not listed on how do you decide to choose the appropriate project management structure? A. How important is the project to the firm’s success? B. What percentage of core work involves projects? C. What level of resources (human…