Category: Project Management

What are best described the disadvantages of matrix structure?

What are best described the disadvantages of matrix structure? A. Lack of Focus and Poor Integration, Slow, and Lack of Ownership B. Expensive, internal strife, Limited Technological Expertise and Difficult Post-Project Transition C. Expensive and Internal Strife D. Dysfunctional Conflict,…

What are best described the advantages of matrix structure?

What are best described the advantages of matrix structure? A. Efficient, Strong Project Focus, Easier Post-Project Transition, and Flexible B. In-Depth Expertise and Easy Post-Project Transition C. No Structural Change and Flexibility, In-Depth Expertise and Easy Post-Project Transition D. Simple,…

What is not listed to explain the matrix structure?

What is not listed to explain the matrix structure? A. Hybrid organizational structure (matrix) is overlaid on the normal functional structure. B. Teams operate as separate units under the leadership of a full-time project manager. C. Matrix structure optimizes the…

What is not listed to explain the dedicated team structure?

What is not listed to explain the dedicated team structure? A. Structure must be more flexible (i.e., decentralized authority) when environmental change is rapid B. Teams operate as separate units under the leadership of a full-time project manager. C. In…

What is not listed to explain the Functional organization?

What is not listed to explain the Functional organization? A. Different segments of the project are delegated to respective functional units B. Highly skilled workers whose jobs require working in teams usually need a more flexible structure. C. Coordination is…

How many types of project management structure?

How many types of project management structure? A. Functional organizational structure and Dedicated Teams B. Matrix Arrangement and Functional structure C. Functional organizational structure, dedicated team, and matrix arrangement D. Structure must be more flexible (i.e., decentralized authority) when environmental…

Why do the different strategies require the use of different structures?

Why do the different strategies require the use of different structures? A. A differentiation strategy needs a flexible structure, low cost may need a more formal structure B. Increased vertical integration or diversification also requires a more flexible structure C.…

Which one is not included in the more complex technology make it harder for managers to regulate the organization?

Which one is not included in the more complex technology make it harder for managers to regulate the organization? A. Organizations utilizing complex technology require a flexible structure to be managed efficiently B. The combination of skills, knowledge, tools, equipment,…

Why does the Human Resources is important to organizational structure?

Why does the Human Resources is important to organizational structure? A. The quicker the environment changes, the more problems face managers. In addition, structure must be more flexible (i.e., decentralized authority) when environmental change is rapid B. Highly skilled workers…

Why is the technology important to organizational structure?

Why is the technology important to organizational structure? A. The quicker the environment changes, the more problems face managers. In addition, structure must be more flexible (i.e., decentralized authority) when environmental change is rapid B. Organizations utilizing complex technology require…