Category: Project Management

Why cross-border, cross cultural projects will increase in the future?

Why cross-border, cross cultural projects will increase in the future? A. Develop global enterprise, work with their counterpart in different countries, managing global team working together. B. The challenges for senior management is to get members to adopt and commit…

What do you focus on when analyzing the cultural issues?

What do you focus on when analyzing the cultural issues? A. Telecommunication networks, transportation systems, power distribution grids, unique local technologies, and educational systems B. Customs, values and philosophies, language, and multicultural environments C. Political stability, national and local laws…

What do you focus on when analyzing the infrastructure issues?

What do you focus on when analyzing the infrastructure issues? A. Telecommunication networks, transportation systems, power distribution grids, unique local technologies, and educational systems B. International terrorism, national and security C. Local crime and risk management D. Balance of payment,…

What do you focus on when analyzing the legal and political issues?

What do you focus on when analyzing the legal and political issues? A. Political stability, national and local laws and regulations, government, state and local bureaucracies, and government interference or support B. Climate and seasonal difference and natural obstacles C.…

What is a cultural shock?

What is a cultural shock? A. A system of shared norms, beliefs, values, and customs that bind people together, creating shared meaning and a unique identity B. Focus on most important tasks and relish small accomplishments C. How people relate…

What will you provide orientation on cross-cultural difference?

What will you provide orientation on cross-cultural difference? A. Relation to nature and time orientation, activity orientation, basic nature of people and relationships among people B. Conduct business only on your terms and stereotyping other countries C. Ignore the “people…

What are the adjustments required when having ethnocentric perspective?

What are the adjustments required when having ethnocentric perspective? A. Relativity of time and punctuality and culture-related ethical differences B. Personal and professional relationships and attitudes toward work and life C. Relativity of time and punctuality, culture-related ethical differences, personal…

What is ethnocentric perspective?

What is ethnocentric perspective? A. A system of shared norms, beliefs, values, and customs that bind people together, creating shared meaning and a unique identity B. The tendency to believe that one’s cultural values and ways of doing things are…

What is best described the environmental factors before going into the international project?

What is best described the environmental factors before going into the international project? A. Legal/political, economic, infrastructure, and culture B. Legal/political, security, geography, economic, infrastructure, and culture C. Legal/political, security, and geography D. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threads Answer: Option…

What are the positive thoughts in international assignment?

What are the positive thoughts in international assignment? A. Missed career opportunities B. Increased income, increased responsibilities, career opportunities, foreign travel, and new lifetime friends C. Absence from home and friends, and family D. Difficulties with foreign language, culture, and…