Category: Project Management

What is the sequences of orchestrating the decision making process?

What is the sequences of orchestrating the decision making process? A. Problem identification, generating alternative, reaching a decision B. Problem identification, reaching a decision, and follow-up C. Generating alternative, reaching a decision, and follow-up D. Problem identification, generating alternative, reaching…

Which is best described how to recognize individual performance?

Which is best described how to recognize individual performance? A. Desirable job assignments, and increased personal flexibility B. Letters of commendation, public recognition for outstanding work, desirable job assignments, and increased personal flexibility C. Letters of commendation and public recognition…

What are the requirements for an establishing a team identity?

What are the requirements for an establishing a team identity? A. Effective use of meetings, co-location of team members, creation of project team names, and team rituals B. Relationship decisions, managing change decisions, tracking decisions, and planning decision C. Communicable,…

What are the requirements for an effective shared vision?

What are the requirements for an effective shared vision? A. Effective use of meetings, co-location of team members, creation of project team names, and team rituals B. Relationship decisions, managing change decisions, tracking decisions, and planning decision C. Communicable, strategic…

How to create a high performance project team?

How to create a high performance project team? A. Young team and dynamic B. Recruit team members and develop job description C. Need a superior project performance D. Conduct project meetings, create shared vision, build a reward system, manage decision…

In team development model, which statement is best explained the performing stage?

In team development model, which statement is best explained the performing stage? A. Establish ground rules by trying to find out what behaviors are acceptable. B. High degree of internal conflict C. Develop and the group demonstrates cohesiveness D. Team…

In team development model, which statement is best explained the adjourning stage?

In team development model, which statement is best explained the adjourning stage? A. Establish ground rules by trying to find out what behaviors are acceptable. B. Develop and the group demonstrates cohesiveness C. The team prepares for its own disbandment.…

In team development model, which statement is best explained the norming stage?

In team development model, which statement is best explained the norming stage? A. Establish ground rules by trying to find out what behaviors are acceptable B. Develop and the group demonstrates cohesiveness C. Operate structure at this stage is fully…

In team development model, which statement is best explained the forming stage?

In team development model, which statement is best explained the forming stage? A. High degree of internal conflict B. Develop and the group demonstrates cohesiveness C. Operate structure at this stage is fully functional and accepted D. Establish ground rules…

What are the sequences of team development model?

What are the sequences of team development model? A. Forming, norming, storming, performing and adjourning B. Forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning C. Norming, forming, performing, storming and adjourning D. Forming, performing, storming, norming and adjourning Answer: Option B