Category: Software Testing

Changes to the operational software or environment would trigger which type of testing?

Changes to the operational software or environment would trigger which type of testing? A. Load testing B. Portability testing C. Maintenance testing D. Stress testing Answer: Option C

Which statement about combinations of inputs and preconditions is true for a large system?

Which statement about combinations of inputs and preconditions is true for a large system? Explanation: Testing everything (all combinations of inputs and preconditions) is not feasible except for trivial cases. Instead of exhaustive testing, we use risks and priorities to…

Which of the following is a task of the kick off phase during an inspection?

Which of the following is a task of the kick off phase during an inspection? A. Explain the objectives of the review B. Select the personnel group C. Document results D. Define entry and exit criteria Answer: Option A

Pair the correct test design techniques (1 to 5) with the category of techniques (x, y and z):

Pair the correct test design techniques (1 to 5) with the category of techniques (x, y and z): 1. Exploratory Testing 2. Equivalence Partitioning 3. Decision Coverage 4. Use Case Testing 5. Condition Coverage x. Specification-based y. Structure-based z. Experienced-based…

Which of the following types of defects are typically found by reviews rather than by dynamic testing?

Which of the following types of defects are typically found by reviews rather than by dynamic testing? a. Deviations from standards. b. Defects in interface implementation. c. Insufficient maintainability of code. d. Poor performance of the system. e. Defects in…

Which of the following statements about black box and white box techniques is correct?

Which of the following statements about black box and white box techniques is correct? Explanation: Equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, decision tables, state transition and use case testing are examples of Specification-based (black-box) testing techniques. Condition coverage, multiple condition coverage,…

From a testing perspective, what are the MAIN purposes of Configuration Management?

From a testing perspective, what are the MAIN purposes of Configuration Management? a. Identifying the version of software under test. b. Controlling the version of testware items. c. Developing new testware items. d. Tracking changes to testware items. e. Analysing…

Which of the following activities should be performed during the selection and implementation of a testing tool?

Which of the following activities should be performed during the selection and implementation of a testing tool? a. Determine whether the organisation’s existing test processes needs to change. b. Conduct a pilot implementation. c. Implement the selected tool on a…

Which of the following test cases and expected results is a valid business rule?

Which of the following test cases and expected results is a valid business rule? Given the following decision table: A. 23 year old in insurance class A – Premium is £90 and excess is £2,500. B. 51 year old in…

Which of the following is a specification-based technique?

Which of the following is a specification-based technique? A. Use Case Testing B. Error Guessing C. Multiple condition coverage D. Statement coverage Answer: Option A