Match the following terms and statements.

1) Decision Table Testing 2) Decision Coverage 3) State Transition Testing 4) Exploratory Testing W) Concurrent test design, test execution, test reporting carried out within time boxes according to a test charter. X) A test technique used which may be used to verify different system responses, depending on external actions or transitions. Y) A test technique which combines combinations of inputs and conditions. Z) A technique to ensure that the branches / decisions in a program are executed.

  • A. 1-Y, 2-Z, 3-X, 4-W
  • B. 1-X, 2-W, 3-Z, 4-Y
  • C. 1-Z, 2-X, 3-W, 4-Y
  • D. 1-Z, 2-Y, 3-X, 4-W

Answer: Option A