Three types of roles of NGOs. What are they and explain them with examples.
– Three types of roles of NGO
o Complementing
▪ Service providers and implementers of development activities-filling the gaps left by public services.
▪ Many donors: State as an “enabler” rather than a “provider”.
▪ WB: NGOs are not direct provider of growth but partner, catalyst and facilitator.
▪ In some cases the State has not abandoned public services or public enterprise but it has frequently delegated the provision of services to NGOs.
o Reforming
▪ Reforming role of NGOs is related to NGOs as agents of advocacy and contributors to policy dialogue.
▪ NGOs can represent the interest of the people they work with and ensure that policies are adapted to ‘real life’.
o Opposing
▪ NGOs can oppose the State, by acting as watchdogs and holding it accountable.
▪ This can either be done directly through lobbying, or indirectly by supporting groups that are adversely affected by government policy. This can also be seen as “mediation”.