Which of the following review comments is MOST LIKELY to have been made by all reviewers?

The design of a newspaper subscriptions system is being reviewed. The expected system users are: – Subscribers – Technical support team – Billing department – Database administrator Each type of user logs into the system through a different login interface (e.g. subscribers login via a web page; technical support via an application). Different reviewers were requested to review the system’s login flow from the perspective of the above user categories.

  • A. The login page on the web is cluttered with too much advertisement space. As a result, it is hard to find the “forgot password?” link.
  • B. The login to access the billing information should also allow access to subscribers’ information and not force a second login session.
  • C. After logging-in to the database application, there is no log-out function.
  • D. The log in flow is un-intuitive since it requires entering the password first, before the user name can be keyed-in.

Answer: Option D